Wednesday 20 February 2013

Strength & Weakness

All through our academic years and later in all the books on personality development or speeches on that subject, we often hear or read that one solution to improve your personality and become a succeessful person is to understand your strengths and weaknesses, try to work on improving your strong points and work on correcting your weaknesses. This is true either for a person, family, organisation, society or the country as a whole. Like all other things in our life, it is a good solution in theory and the story on the practical life is totally different.

The strength of our country is Agriculture and weakness is Crude oil. In order to make our country self sufficient and improve the quality of the life of its citizens, those who are ruling our country should try to improve the quality and quantity of agriculture. On the otherside we should try to reduce and discourage the usage of the petro products. But what happens in reality is exactly reverse. Agriculture is fast becoming the least preferred profession and many farmers are turning out to be daily labourers. And demand for the petro products is growing unabated, with more and more vehicles rolling out on to the road everyday.

"Are we really trying to make our country self sufficient?" is the question, as a stupid common man, I am unable to answer.